What is Physical Literacy?

✨What is Physical Literacy?✨

Physical literacy is defined as the “ability, confidence and desire to be physically active for life”. Promoting physical literacy is an essential component of our LCC preschool approach to early education. Active play is considered one of the most important tools to support young children's development and long-term success. The desire to move is integral to young children's brain development and ultimately their ability to learn! Just like learning to read, write, and count, physical literacy takes practice. If young children are not physically literate, they cannot move their bodies the way they were designed to move, so they can’t use their bodies appropriately to learn.

At LCC, you will see children moving often and everywhere. Not only are children outside moving their bodies for long periods of time in every season, but also our classrooms are designed to support a variety of planned and spontaneous movement inside and it is rarely our expectation that a child sits still. Movement IS learning, especially in the early years.


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