The Benefits of Outdoor Play in Winter

❄️ The Benefits of Outdoor Play in Winter ❄️

As Winter approaches and various forms of cold, wet stuff fall, getting outside with young children can become a bit more daunting. How will you contend with all of the necessary gear, resistance to putting it all on, and what to do out there in the chilly, gray landscape? At LCC we value and recognize the many benefits of daily outdoor play for our kids.

🌲 Nature and play lower stress. Time spent in outdoor settings is restorative and reduces anxiety for kids. Outdoor play naturally reduces stress levels and can help children restore their ability to focus.

🛷 The physical benefits of outdoor play are easy to see as children move and challenge muscles, run, jump, crawl, balance, and test their motor skill abilities in large open spaces.

😴 Time spent in natural settings also contributes to healthy sleep patterns in kids and proper sleep drives all kinds of beneficial health outcomes.

☃️ Winter presents unique opportunities for sensory stimulation and playing in the cold gives kids grit and resilience when the weather presents new challenges (walking in deep snow, standing against a brisk wind, finding ways to move to get comfortable in freezing temperatures).

🧤 Preparing for the elements, exploring new surroundings as the weather changes, inventing new games with peers, and trying new things outdoors help build a sense of independence.

🌞 Getting outside in the fresh air and when it is available in the Winter, sunshine and Vitamin D, is good for children’s immune system. It also gets them out of the indoor stagnant air where viruses and bacteria are more easily spread.

As the holiday season approaches and the long winter lies ahead of us, it is helpful to remember to get outdoors for all of these benefits and more. There's a wonderful Norwegian saying – “Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlig klær!” which translates to “There is no bad weather, only bad clothes!”


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